Thursday, 4 April 2013

Picture No. 3

This is a picture of the conch breaking. The conch is shattered by a bolder at the fight at Castle Rock. Ralph and Piggy had gone to Jack to ask for Piggy's glasses back. Jack refused and while they were fighting, someone rolled a boulder which ran over the conch and shattered it. I chose this picture because it represents the time when all of the rules had been abolished. The most important thing was now the least important thing. No one followed the basic rules anymore.

This picture provides a different view of the text. It shows the conch falling onto the sand. It symbolizes the peace falling and "breaking". It also symbolizes the falling of order. In the book Ralph was the leader and he had made a few simple rules. The conch was the most important thing. Here in the picture it helps us visualize the fall of order. It shows us how powerful the conch was and how no its power is gone.

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